Adder — Technology Тип Частная компания Год основания 1984 Расположение … Википедия
Adder — may refer to:Snakes: * Any venomous snake. * Vipera berus , a.k.a. the common European adder, a venomous viper found in Europe and northern Asia. * Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen , a.k.a. the northern copperhead, a venomous viper found in the… … Wikipedia
adder — (n.) O.E. næddre a snake, serpent, viper, from W.Gmc. *nædro a snake (Cf. O.N. naðra, M.Du. nadre, O.H.G. natra, Ger. Natter, Goth. nadrs), from PIE root *netr (Cf. L. natrix water snake, probably by folk association with nare … Etymology dictionary
adder — ► NOUN ▪ a venomous snake with a dark zigzag pattern on its back. ORIGIN Old English nædre «serpent, adder»; the initial n was lost by wrong division of a naddre … English terms dictionary
adder — adder1 [ad′ər] n. 1. one who adds ☆ 2. an adding machine 3. a computer circuit that performs addition adder2 [ad′ər] n. [ME < nadder (by faulty separation of a nadder) < OE nædre < IE base * nətr, *nētr > L natrix, watersnake] … English World dictionary
Adder — Add er, n. [See {Add}.] One who, or that which, adds; esp., a machine for adding numbers. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Adder — Adder, ist Pelias berus, s. u. Vipern … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Adder — Adder, soviel wie Kreuzotter … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
adder — adder1 /ad euhr/, n. 1. the common European viper, Vipera berus. 2. any of various other venomous or harmless snakes resembling the viper. [bef. 950; late ME; r. ME nadder (a nadder becoming an adder by misdivision; cf. APRON), OE naeddre; c. OS… … Universalium
adder — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. puff adder, viper. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. viper, asp, snake. Adders include: European, spotted, puff adder, hognose snake, dwarf puff, night adder, milk adder, milk snake; see also snake … English dictionary for students