Adjective — Ad jec*tive ([a^]d j[e^]k*t[i^]v), a. [See {Adjective}, n.] [1913 Webster] 1. Added to a substantive as an attribute; of the nature of an adjunct; as, an adjective word or sentence. [1913 Webster] 2. Not standing by itself; dependent. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
color-blind — color ,blind adjective 1. ) unable to recognize a difference between some colors, especially red and green 2. ) someone who is color blind does not treat people from different races differently a ) used about things such as laws and systems:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
color-blind — adjective 1. unable to distinguish one or more chromatic colors • Syn: ↑colour blind • Similar to: ↑blind, ↑unsighted • Derivationally related forms: ↑color blindness (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
color-blind — adjective Date: 1853 1. affected with partial or total inability to distinguish one or more chromatic colors 2. insensitive, oblivious 3. not influenced by differences of race < tried to get the welfare establishment…to abandon its color blind … New Collegiate Dictionary
color blind — adjective a) Of a person or animal, unable to distinguish between two or more primary colors (usually red and green). b) Of a person who hold no prejudice based on skin color, or of a process which precludes racial prejudice … Wiktionary
color-blind — adjective a) Of a person or animal, unable to distinguish between two or more primary colors (usually red and green). b) Of a person who hold no prejudice based on skin color, or of a process which precludes racial prejudice … Wiktionary
color-coded — UK US // adjective US ► MARKETING COLOUR CODED(Cf. ↑colour coded) COLOUR CODED(Cf. ↑colour coded) … Financial and business terms
color-coded — color ,coded adjective using colors to make different things easy to recognize … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Adjective — Examples That s an interesting idea. (attributive) That idea is interesting. (predicative) Tell me something interesting. (postpositive) The good, the bad, and the ugly. (substantive) In grammar, an adjective is a describing word; the main… … Wikipedia
Color name — A color name is a noun or noun phrase that refers to a specific color. The color name may refer to human perception of that color (which is affected by visual context), or to an underlying physical property (such as a specific wavelength of… … Wikipedia