- Cabotage
- Cabotage Cab"o*tage, n. [F. cabotage, fr. caboter to sail along the coast; cf. Sp. cabo cape.] (Naut.) Navigation along the coast; the details of coast pilotage. [1913 Webster] ||
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
cabotage — [ kabɔtaʒ ] n. m. • 1678; de caboter ♦ Navigation à distance limitée des côtes (opposé à navigation hauturière).⇒ bornage. Petit cabotage, entre deux ports d une même mer. Anciennt Capitaine, patron au cabotage. ● cabotage nom masculin (de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cabotage — is the transport of goods or passengers between two points in the same country. Originally starting with shipping, cabotage now also covers aviation, railways and road transport. Cabotage is trade or navigation in coastal waters, or, the… … Wikipedia
cabotage — cab‧o‧tage [ˈkæbəˌtɑːʒ] noun [uncountable] TRANSPORT 1. LAW laws that allow ships, aircraft, or road vehicles to collect and move goods or passengers within a foreign country or to another country: • an agreement which extended the rights of… … Financial and business terms
cabotage — [kab′ə tij, kab′ətäzh΄] n. [Fr < caboter, to sail along the coast < MFr cabo, cape < Sp < L caput, HEAD] 1. coastal navigation and trade, esp. between ports within a country 2. air transport within a country 3. the right to engage in… … English World dictionary
Cabotāge — (fr., spr. Kabotahsch, engl. Coasting trade), 1) die Küstenschifffahrt u. der Küstenhandel überhaupt; im engeren Sinne 2) die Frachtschifffahrt von einem Hafen zu einem andern desselben Landes. Früher war allgemein die C. den Schiffen des eigenen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Cabotage — (frz. Cabotahsch), die Küstenschiffahrt, gleich dem damit verbundenen Küstenhandel Vorrecht der Bürger desjenigen Staats, dem die Küste gehört, wenn nicht besondere Verträge anderen Staatsbürgern die Theilnahme gestatten … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Cabotage — Sommaire 1 Maritime 2 Aérien 3 Transport terrestre 4 Transport par rail 5 Cabotage et environn … Wikipédia en Français
CABOTAGE — s. m. T. de Marine. Navigation le long des côtes, de cap en cap, de port en port. Grand, petit cabotage. Faire le cabotage. Ce bâtiment n est propre qu au cabotage … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)
CABOTAGE — n. m. T. de Marine Action de caboter. Grand, petit cabotage. Faire le cabotage … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
cabotage — noun a) The transport of goods or passengers between two points in the same country. Cabotage traffic may be carried by a foreign carrier on special permission of the civil aeronautics authorities […]. b) The right to engage in such transport.… … Wiktionary