adult — n: a person who has reached an age specified by law compare child, infant, minor Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
adult — adult; adult·hood; adult·i·ci·dal; adult·i·cide; adult·ly; adult·ness; adult·oid; pre·adult; sub·adult; … English syllables
adult — ADÚLT, Ă, adulţi, te, adj., s.m. şi f. (Organism) care şi a terminat creşterea şi a ajuns în stadiul de a se reproduce; (persoană) aflată în perioada de la 17 18 ani până la 50 de ani. – Din fr. adulte, lat. adultus. Trimis de ana zecheru,… … Dicționar Român
Adult — A*dult , a. [L. adultus, p. p. of adolescere, akin to alere to nourish: cf. F. adulte. See {Adolescent}, {Old}.] Having arrived at maturity, or to full size and strength; matured; as, an adult person or plant; an adult ape; an adult age. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ADULT. — ADULT. ADULT. ist eine aus Nicola Kuperus und Adam Lee Miller bestehende Band aus Detroit, die sich auf Electroclash spezialisiert hat. Ihr größter kommerzieller Erfolg war die Single Hand To Phone . Die Website bezeichnet den Musikstil… … Deutsch Wikipedia
adult — [ə dult′, ad′ult΄] adj. [L adultus, pp. of adolescere: see ADOLESCENT] 1. grown up; mature in age, size, strength, etc. 2. of or for adult persons [an adult novel] 3. containing or providing pornography [adult movies] n. 1. a man or … English World dictionary
adult — adụlt 〈Adj.〉 erwachsen, geschlechtsreif [<lat. adultus, Part. Perf. von adolescere „heranwachsen“] * * * adụlt <Adj.> [zu lat. adultum, 2. Part. von: adulescere (adolescere), ↑ adoleszent] (Med.): ↑ 2erwachsen (2); geschlechtsreif. * *… … Universal-Lexikon
Adult — 〈[æ̣dʌlt] m. 6〉 Erwachsene(r) [engl.] * * * adụlt <Adj.> [zu lat. adultum, 2. Part. von: adulescere (adolescere), ↑ adoleszent] (Med.): ↑ 2erwachsen (2); geschlechtsreif. * * * I … Universal-Lexikon
adult — 1. It is usually pronounced with stress on the first syllable in BrE and on the second syllable in AmE, but the distribution is uneven among educated speakers throughout the English speaking world. 2. Since the 1950s, changing social attitudes… … Modern English usage
adult — [adj] being mature, fully grown developed, grown, grown up, of age, ripe, ripened; concept 406 Ant. adolescent, infant adult [n] a mature, fully grown person gentleperson, grownup, man, person, woman; concepts 394,424 Ant. adolescent, infant … New thesaurus