Carriage horse

Carriage horse
Carriage Car"riage, n. [OF. cariage luggage, carriage, chariage carriage, cart, baggage, F. charriage, cartage, wagoning, fr. OF. carier, charier, F. charrier, to cart. See {Carry}.] 1. That which is carried; burden; baggage. [Obs.] [1913 Webster]

David left his carriage in the hand of the keeper of the carriage. --1. Sam. xvii. 22. [1913 Webster]

And after those days we took up our carriages and went up to Jerusalem. --Acts. xxi. 15. [1913 Webster]

2. The act of carrying, transporting, or conveying. [1913 Webster]

Nine days employed in carriage. --Chapman. [1913 Webster]

3. The price or expense of carrying. [1913 Webster]

4. That which carries of conveys, as: (a) A wheeled vehicle for persons, esp. one designed for elegance and comfort. (b) A wheeled vehicle carrying a fixed burden, as a gun carriage. (c) A part of a machine which moves and carries of supports some other moving object or part. (d) A frame or cage in which something is carried or supported; as, a bell carriage. [1913 Webster]

5. The manner of carrying one's self; behavior; bearing; deportment; personal manners. [1913 Webster]

His gallant carriage all the rest did grace. --Stirling. [1913 Webster]

6. The act or manner of conducting measures or projects; management. [1913 Webster]

The passage and whole carriage of this action. --Shak. [1913 Webster]

{Carriage horse}, a horse kept for drawing a carriage.

{Carriage porch} (Arch.), a canopy or roofed pavilion covering the driveway at the entrance to any building. It is intended as a shelter for those who alight from vehicles at the door; -- sometimes erroneously called in the United States {porte-coch[`e]re}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Carriage — Car riage, n. [OF. cariage luggage, carriage, chariage carriage, cart, baggage, F. charriage, cartage, wagoning, fr. OF. carier, charier, F. charrier, to cart. See {Carry}.] 1. That which is carried; burden; baggage. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] David… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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