Cashier's check

Cashier's check
Cashier's check Cash*ier's" check (Banking) A check drawn by a bank upon its own funds, signed by the cashier. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • cashier's check — ca·shier s check see check Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. cashier s check …   Law dictionary

  • cashier's check — cashier s′ check n. bus a check drawn by a bank on its own funds and signed by its cashier • Etymology: 1865–70, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • cashier's check — ☆ cashier s check n. a check drawn by a bank on its own funds and signed by the cashier …   English World dictionary

  • cashier's check — cashier s checks N COUNT A cashier s check is one which a cashier signs and which is drawn on a bank s own funds. [AM] …   English dictionary

  • Cashier's check — A cashier s check (cashier s cheque, bank check, official check, demand draft, teller s check, bank draft or treasurer s check) is a check guaranteed by a bank. They are treated as guaranteed funds and are usually cleared the next day. It is the… …   Wikipedia

  • cashier's check — noun a check issued by the officer of a bank on the banks own account (not that of a private person) cashier s checks are as good as cash • Syn: ↑treasurer s check, ↑cashier s cheque, ↑treasurer s cheque • Hypernyms: ↑check, ↑bank check, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cashier's Check — A check written by a financial institution on its own funds. It is then signed by a representative of the financial institution and made payable to a third party. A customers who purchases a cashier s check pays for the full face value of the… …   Investment dictionary

  • cashier’s check —  A check issued by a bank with funds provided by the customer. Many businesses require payment in cash or by cashier’s check, especially when doing business the first time …   American business jargon

  • cashier's check — noun Date: 1867 a check drawn by a bank on its own funds and signed by the cashier …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cashier's check — a check drawn by a bank on its own funds and signed by its cashier. [1865 70, Amer.] * * * …   Universalium

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