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aband — abandˈ transitive verb (Spenser) To abandon • • • Main Entry: ↑abandon … Useful english dictionary
ABAND — • abandoned … Maritime acronyms and abbreviations
40 ó 20 — Ella decide La fachada de Canal 13 exhibiendo una gigantografía de 40 ó 20 en junio de 2011. Título 40 ó 20 Género Dating show … Wikipedia Español
Charleroi Pre-metro — The Charleroi Pre Metro ( Métro Léger de Charleroi ) is a 25 km express tram network in Belgium, consisting of a horseshoe shaped line around central Charleroi and two branches towards the suburbs of Gilly and Anderlues. It was built between 1976 … Wikipedia
Derby of the eternal enemies — Ντέρμπι των αιωνίων αντιπάλων Mother of all battles Μητέρα των μαχών Olympiacos fans during a game between the eternal enemies at the Karaiskakis Stadium. City or region … Wikipedia
Abend — [ a:bn̩t], der; s, e: 1. Tageszeit zwischen Nachmittag und Nacht /Ggs. Morgen/: der heutige Abend; eines Abends (an einem nicht näher bestimmten Abend); heute, gestern, morgen Abend; guten Abend! /Grußformel/; zu Abend essen (die Abendmahlzeit… … Universal-Lexikon
eve — evening, O.E. æfen, with pre 1200 loss of terminal n (which was mistaken for an inflexion), from P.Gmc. *æbando (Cf. O.S. aband, O.Fris. ewnd, Du. avond, O.H.G. aband, Ger. Abend, O.N. aptann, Dan. aften), of uncertain origin. Now superseded in… … Etymology dictionary
abandonment of property — Intentional and absolute relinquishment of property without reference to any particular person or for any particular purpose. 1 Am J2d Aband § 1; 3 Am J2d Adv P § 77. Abandoned property is that to which the owner has voluntarily relinquished all… … Ballentine's law dictionary
finder's lien — The lien of a finder of lost property upon the property for his expenses in caring for the property, 1 Am J2d Aband § 31, also for the reward offered for the restoration of the property. 1 Am J2d Aband § 25 … Ballentine's law dictionary
mislaid property — Property located in a place of which the owner has no recollection, although he put the property in such place voluntarily and intentionally. 1 Am J2d Aband § 2. Property placed by the owner in a location which he has forgotten, albeit he… … Ballentine's law dictionary