
Chatelaine Chat"e*laine, n. [F. ch[^a]telaine the wife of a castellan, the mistress of a chateau, a chatelaine chain.] An ornamental hook, or brooch worn by a lady at her waist, and having a short chain or chains attached for a watch, keys, trinkets, etc. Also used adjectively; as, a chatelaine chain. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Chatelaine — um 1765 1775 Taschenuhr mit Uhrenkette Die Chatelaine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Chatelaine — Châtelaine (French châtelaine, wife of the lord of a castle) has the following meanings: Châtelaine, a woman who owns or controls a large house (for example, the Chatelaine of Rideau Hall). Chatelaine (chain), a set of short chains on a belt worn …   Wikipedia

  • châtelaine — [ ʃat(ə)lɛn ] n. f. • 1828; de chaîne châtelaine ♦ Chaîne de ceinture. Sautoir à gros chaînons. ● châtelaine nom féminin Petite chaîne d orfèvrerie supportant montre, clés, etc., portée, surtout à la fin du XVIIIe s., accrochée à la ceinture.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Châtelaine —   [ʃa tlɛːn, französisch »Burgfrau«] die, / s oder das, s/ s, Kette am Frauengürtel des späten 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts, an der Gebrauchs und Schmuckgegenstände hingen (Besteck, Schlüssel, Tasche); später nur noch eine Kette mit Schmuckanhängern …   Universal-Lexikon

  • chatelaine — (n.) 1845, from Fr. chátelaine a female castellan; wife of a castellan; mistress of a castle or country house; fem. of chátelain, from O.Fr. chastelain owner and lord of a castle, castellan, nobleman, from chastel (see CHATEAU (Cf. chateau)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • chatelaine — [shat′ lān΄] n. [Fr châtelaine, fem. of CHATELAIN] 1. a) the mistress of a castle or château b) the mistress of any large household 2. a woman s ornamental chain or clasp, esp. one worn at the waist, with keys or a purse, watch, etc. fastened to… …   English World dictionary

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