
Cheap Cheap, a. [Abbrev. fr. ``good cheap'': a good purchase or bargain; cf. F. bon march['e], [`a] bon march['e]. See {Cheap}, n., {Cheapen}.] 1. Having a low price in market; of small cost or price, as compared with the usual price or the real value. [1913 Webster]

Where there are a great sellers to a few buyers, there the thing to be sold will be cheap. --Locke. [1913 Webster]

2. Of comparatively small value; common; mean. [1913 Webster]

You grow cheap in every subject's eye. --Dryden. [1913 Webster]

{Dog cheap}, very cheap, -- a phrase formed probably by the catachrestical transposition of good cheap. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • cheap — cheap …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • cheap — [chēp] adj. [< good cheap, favorable bargain < ME god chep (used as transl. of OFr à bon marché) < OE ceap, a purchase, bargain, akin to Ger kaufen, to buy; ult. < L caupo, petty tradesman] 1. low in price or cost; not expensive 2.… …   English World dictionary

  • cheap — [ tʃip ] adj. inv. • 1979; mot angl. « bon marché » ♦ Anglic. Fam. Qui est bon marché et d une qualité douteuse, donnant une impression de mesquinerie. ⇒ ordinaire. Ça fait cheap. « Ils étaient “cheap” [...] ils deviennent classe » (L Express,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • cheap — cheap; cheap·en; cheap·ie; cheap·ly; cheap·ness; cheap·skate; …   English syllables

  • cheap — agg.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} 1. che è poco costoso, economico Sinonimi: a buon mercato, conveniente, economico. Contrari: 1caro, costoso. 2. che ha scarso valore, che è di qualità scadente: prodotto cheap | fig., spreg., di cattivo gusto:… …   Dizionario italiano

  • cheap — (adj.) low in price, that may be bought at small cost, c.1500, from god chep favorable bargain (12c., a translation of Fr. a bon marché), from O.E. ceap (n.) traffic, bargain, a purchase, from ceapian (v.) trade, probably an early Germanic… …   Etymology dictionary

  • cheap — cheap, cheaply adverbs. Cheap, used as an adverb, has one meaning, ‘at a low price’, and regularly follows the verb as closely as possible: • Picture books seem to end up by being sold off cheap as remaindered volumes Country Life, 1981. Cheaply… …   Modern English usage

  • Cheap — may refer to: Cheap (album), debut album from Seasick Steve Cheap (EP), twelve inch EP by Brainbombs Cheap (ward) Characteristic behavior of a miser This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an …   Wikipedia

  • cheap — [adj1] inexpensive at a bargain, bargain, bargain basement*, bargain counter, bought for a song*, budget, buy, cheapo*, competitive, cost next to nothing*, cut price, cut rate, depreciated, dime a dozen*, easy on the pocketbook*, economical, half …   New thesaurus

  • cheap´en|er — cheap|en «CHEE puhn», transitive verb. 1. to make cheap; lower the price of: »The flood of imported cars cheapened the cost of cars made here. 2. Figurative. to cause to be thought little of; lower in estimation; vilify. 3. to bargain for; bid… …   Useful english dictionary

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