Aetheling — Aetheling, also spelt Ætheling, Atheling or Etheling, was an Old English term (æþeling) used in Anglo Saxon England to designate princes of the royal dynasty who were eligible for the kingship. Aetheling is an Old English and Old Saxon compound… … Wikipedia
aetheling — aetheling, etheling, also atheling /iy8alirj/ In Saxon law, a noble; generally a prince of the blood … Black's law dictionary
aetheling — aetheling, etheling, also atheling /iy8alirj/ In Saxon law, a noble; generally a prince of the blood … Black's law dictionary
aetheling — /ath euh ling, adh /, n. atheling. * * * ▪ Anglo Saxon aristocrat also spelled Atheling, or Etheling, in Anglo Saxon England, generally any person of noble birth. Use of the term was usually restricted to members of a royal family, and… … Universalium
Aetheling — Prince or lord. A member of a royal AS family; a prince of the blood royal and heir to the throne; a person considered worthy of the throne. When used in the *ASC it was nearly always applied to members of the West Saxon royal family. [<… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
aetheling — A noble in Saxon times … Ballentine's law dictionary
aetheling — Usage: often capitalized variant of atheling * * * /ath euh ling, adh /, n. atheling … Useful english dictionary
Edgar the Aetheling — born , Hungary died с 1125 Anglo Saxon prince. He was proposed as king of England after the Battle of Hastings (1066) but instead served the Norman kings William I (the Conqueror) and William II. Rebellions in favour of the aetheling (prince)… … Universalium
William the Aetheling — ▪ duke of Normandy French Guillaume Aetheling born 1103 died Nov. 25, 1120, at sea off Barfleur, Fr. Anglo Norman prince, only son of Henry I of England and recognized duke of Normandy (as William IV, or as William III if the earlier… … Universalium
Alfred Aetheling — (Old English Ælfred Æþeling ), was one of the eight sons of the English king Ethelred II, called The Unready . He and his brother Edward the Confessor were sons of Ethelred s second wife Emma of Normandy.In 1013 during the siege of London by the… … Wikipedia