Choke damp

Choke damp
Damp Damp (d[a^]mp), n. [Akin to LG., D., & Dan. damp vapor, steam, fog, G. dampf, Icel. dampi, Sw. damb dust, and to MNG. dimpfen to smoke, imp. dampf.] 1. Moisture; humidity; fog; fogginess; vapor. [1913 Webster]

Night . . . with black air Accompanied, with damps and dreadful gloom. --Milton. [1913 Webster]

2. Dejection; depression; cloud of the mind. [1913 Webster]

Even now, while thus I stand blest in thy presence, A secret damp of grief comes o'er my soul. --Addison. [1913 Webster]

It must have thrown a damp over your autumn excursion. --J. D. Forbes. [1913 Webster]

3. (Mining) A gaseous product, formed in coal mines, old wells, pints, etc. [1913 Webster]

{Choke damp}, a damp consisting principally of carbonic acid gas; -- so called from its extinguishing flame and animal life. See {Carbonic acid}, under {Carbonic}.

{Damp sheet}, a curtain in a mine gallery to direct air currents and prevent accumulation of gas.

{Fire damp}, a damp consisting chiefly of light carbureted hydrogen; -- so called from its tendence to explode when mixed with atmospheric air and brought into contact with flame. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Choke damp — See {Carbonic acid}, under {Carbonic}. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • choke|damp — «CHOHK DAMP», noun. a heavy, suffocating, nonexplosive gas, mainly carbon dioxide, that gathers in mines, old wells, and other underground caverns; blackdamp …   Useful english dictionary

  • choke damp — Carbonic Car*bon ic, a. [Cf. F. carbonique. See {Carbon}.] (Chem.) Of, pertaining to, or obtained from, carbon; as, carbonic oxide. [1913 Webster] {Carbonic acid} (Chem.), an acid {HO.CO.OH}, not existing separately, which, combined with positive …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • choke-damp — noun choking or suffocating gas, typically carbon dioxide, that is found in mines and other underground spaces …   English new terms dictionary

  • choke-damp — n. Foul air, carbonic acid, carbonic acid gas (accumulated in wells and pits) …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • choke-damp — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Damp — (d[a^]mp), n. [Akin to LG., D., & Dan. damp vapor, steam, fog, G. dampf, Icel. dampi, Sw. damb dust, and to MNG. dimpfen to smoke, imp. dampf.] 1. Moisture; humidity; fog; fogginess; vapor. [1913 Webster] Night . . . with black air Accompanied,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Damp sheet — Damp Damp (d[a^]mp), n. [Akin to LG., D., & Dan. damp vapor, steam, fog, G. dampf, Icel. dampi, Sw. damb dust, and to MNG. dimpfen to smoke, imp. dampf.] 1. Moisture; humidity; fog; fogginess; vapor. [1913 Webster] Night . . . with black air… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Damp (mining) — Historically, gases (other than breathable air) in coal mines in Britain were collectively known as damps . This comes from the Middle Low German word dampf (meaning vapour ), and was in use by 1480 [1]. Damps included: After damp, a mixture of… …   Wikipedia

  • choke — 1. v. & n. v. 1 tr. hinder or impede the breathing of (a person or animal) esp. by constricting the windpipe or (of gas, smoke, etc.) by being unbreathable. 2 intr. suffer a hindrance or stoppage of breath. 3 tr. & intr. make or become speechless …   Useful english dictionary

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