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cimolite — ⇒CIMOLITE, subst. fém. MINÉRALOGIE A. Vx. Espèce d argile. B. Silicate naturel hydraté d aluminium analogue à l argile (cf. Lar. encyclop.). Prononc. Seule transcr. ds LAND. 1834 : ci mo lite. Étymol. et Hist. 1801 (CUVIER, Traité de minér.,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
cimolite — Tobacco To*bac co, n. [Sp. tabaco, fr. the Indian tabaco the tube or pipe in which the Indians or Caribbees smoked this plant. Some derive the word from Tabaco, a province of Yucatan, where it was said to be first found by the Spaniards; others… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cimolite — A cave mineral Al4(SiO2)9(OH)12 [11] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
cimolite — cim·o·lite … English syllables
cimolite — ˈsiməˌlīt, sə̇ˈmōˌl noun ( s) Etymology: German zimolit, from Cimolus, island in the Aegean sea + German it ite : a mineral 2Al2O3.9SiO3.6H2O consisting of a hydrous aluminum silicate occurring in soft white to reddish claylike masses … Useful english dictionary
Arnica montana — Tobacco To*bac co, n. [Sp. tabaco, fr. the Indian tabaco the tube or pipe in which the Indians or Caribbees smoked this plant. Some derive the word from Tabaco, a province of Yucatan, where it was said to be first found by the Spaniards; others… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lobelia inflata — Tobacco To*bac co, n. [Sp. tabaco, fr. the Indian tabaco the tube or pipe in which the Indians or Caribbees smoked this plant. Some derive the word from Tabaco, a province of Yucatan, where it was said to be first found by the Spaniards; others… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Nicotiana Persica — Tobacco To*bac co, n. [Sp. tabaco, fr. the Indian tabaco the tube or pipe in which the Indians or Caribbees smoked this plant. Some derive the word from Tabaco, a province of Yucatan, where it was said to be first found by the Spaniards; others… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Nicotiana rustica — Tobacco To*bac co, n. [Sp. tabaco, fr. the Indian tabaco the tube or pipe in which the Indians or Caribbees smoked this plant. Some derive the word from Tabaco, a province of Yucatan, where it was said to be first found by the Spaniards; others… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Nicotiana Tabacum — Tobacco To*bac co, n. [Sp. tabaco, fr. the Indian tabaco the tube or pipe in which the Indians or Caribbees smoked this plant. Some derive the word from Tabaco, a province of Yucatan, where it was said to be first found by the Spaniards; others… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English