
Citation Ci*ta"tion, n. [F. citation, LL. citatio, fr.L. citare to cite. See {Cite}] 1. An official summons or notice given to a person to appear; the paper containing such summons or notice. [1913 Webster]

2. The act of citing a passage from a book, or from another person, in his own words; also, the passage or words quoted; quotation. [1913 Webster]

This horse load of citations and fathers. --Milton. [1913 Webster]

3. Enumeration; mention; as, a citation of facts. [1913 Webster]

4. (Law) A reference to decided cases, or books of authority, to prove a point in law. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • citation — [ sitasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1355; lat. citatio 1 ♦ Dr. Sommation de comparaître en justice, en qualité de témoin ou de défendeur (signifiée par huissier ou par lettre recommandée du greffier). Notifier, recevoir une citation. Citation à comparaître.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Citation X — Citation X …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • citation — ci·ta·tion /sī tā shən/ n 1: a writ giving notice to a person to appear in court: as a: a process served upon an interested party in a probate proceeding b: a notice to a person that he or she is charged with a petty offense (as a traffic… …   Law dictionary

  • Citation — • A legal act through which a person, by mandate of the judge, is called before the tribunal for trial Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Citation     Citation      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Citation — (ca. 1950) Rasse: Englisches Vollblut Vater: Bull Lea Mutter: Hydro …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • citation — CITATION. s. f. Ajournement. En ce sens, il n est guère d usage que dans les affaires Ecclésiastiques. Il n a point comparu à la première citation. Après les trois citations. [b]f♛/b] Il se dit aussi De l ordre que le Grand Maître envoie à tous… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • citation — Citation. sub. f. v. Adjournement. En ce sens il n est guere en usage que dans les affaires Ecclesiastiques. Il n a point comparu à la premiere citation. aprés les trois citations. Il signifie aussi, Allegation. Citation d un passage. mettre les… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • citation — (n.) c.1300, summons, written notice to appear, from O.Fr. citation, from L. citationem (nom. citatio) a command, noun of action from pp. stem of citare to summon, to put in motion, to call forward (see CITE (Cf. cite)). Meaning passage cited,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • citation — [n1] excerpt example, illustration, mention, passage, quotation, quote, quoting, reference, saying, source; concept 283 citation [n2] award bidding, charge, commendation, encomium, mention, panegyric, reward, salutation, summons, tribute;… …   New thesaurus

  • citation — [sī tā′shən] n. [ME citacion < OFr citation < L citatio, a command (in LL, a summoning) < pp. of citare: see CITE] 1. a summons to appear before a court of law 2. the act of citing, or quoting 3. a passage cited; quotation 4. a reference …   English World dictionary

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