Civil action

Civil action
Civil Civ"il, a. [L. civilis, fr. civis citizen: cf. F. civil. See {City}.] 1. Pertaining to a city or state, or to a citizen in his relations to his fellow citizens or to the state; within the city or state. [1913 Webster]

2. Subject to government; reduced to order; civilized; not barbarous; -- said of the community. [1913 Webster]

England was very rude and barbarous; for it is but even the other day since England grew civil. --Spenser. [1913 Webster]

3. Performing the duties of a citizen; obedient to government; -- said of an individual. [1913 Webster]

Civil men come nearer the saints of God than others; they come within a step or two of heaven. --Preston [1913 Webster]

4. Having the manners of one dwelling in a city, as opposed to those of savages or rustics; polite; courteous; complaisant; affable. [1913 Webster]

Note: ``A civil man now is one observant of slight external courtesies in the mutual intercourse between man and man; a civil man once was one who fulfilled all the duties and obligations flowing from his position as a 'civis' and his relations to the other members of that 'civitas.''' --Trench [1913 Webster]

5. Pertaining to civic life and affairs, in distinction from military, ecclesiastical, or official state. [1913 Webster]

6. Relating to rights and remedies sought by action or suit distinct from criminal proceedings. [1913 Webster]

{Civil action}, an action to enforce the rights or redress the wrongs of an individual, not involving a criminal proceeding.

{Civil architecture}, the architecture which is employed in constructing buildings for the purposes of civil life, in distinction from military and naval architecture, as private houses, palaces, churches, etc.

{Civil death}. (Law.) See under {Death}.

{Civil engineering}. See under {Engineering}.

{Civil law}. See under {Law}.

{Civil list}. See under {List}.

{Civil remedy} (Law), that given to a person injured, by action, as opposed to a criminal prosecution.

{Civil service}, all service rendered to and paid for by the state or nation other than that pertaining to naval or military affairs.

{Civil service reform}, the substitution of business principles and methods for the spoils system in the conduct of the civil service, esp. in the matter of appointments to office.

{Civil state}, the whole body of the laity or citizens not included under the military, maritime, and ecclesiastical states.

{Civil suit}. Same as {Civil action}.

{Civil war}. See under {War}.

{Civil year}. See under {Year}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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