- cloudlike
- cloudlike cloudlike adj.
resembling a cloud.
Syn: nebular. [WordNet 1.5]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
Syn: nebular. [WordNet 1.5]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
cloudlike — adjective Resembling a cloud or clouds; thus, often, fluffy … Wiktionary
cloudlike — adjective resembling a cloud • Syn: ↑nebular • Similar to: ↑cloudy • Derivationally related forms: ↑nebula (for: ↑nebular) … Useful english dictionary
cloud — cloudlike, adj. /klowd/, n. 1. a visible collection of particles of water or ice suspended in the air, usually at an elevation above the earth s surface. 2. any similar mass, esp. of smoke or dust. 3. a dim or obscure area in something otherwise… … Universalium
nubiform — cloudlike Shapes and Resemblance … Phrontistery dictionary
nebulose — /neb yeuh leuhs, lohs /, adj. 1. cloudlike; nebulous. 2. hazy or indistinct; nebulous. 3. having cloudlike markings. [1795 1805; < L nebulosus full of mist, foggy, cloudy. See NEBULA, OSE] * * * … Universalium
interstellar medium — Content of the region between the stars, including vast, diffuse clouds of gases and minute solid particles. Such tenuous matter in the Milky Way Galaxy accounts for about 5% of its total mass. By no means a complete vacuum, the interstellar… … Universalium
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium
blank hallucination — The term blank hallucination was introduced in or shortly before 1961 by the German American psychoanalyst Max M. Stern (18951982) to denote a collection of simple hallucinatory phenomena such as the sense that one is floating in space,… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
nebulose — /ˈnɛbjəloʊs/ (say nebyuhlohs) adjective 1. nebulous; cloudlike. 2. hazy or indistinct. 3. having cloudlike markings …
neb|u|la — «NEHB yuh luh», noun, plural lae « lee», las. 1. a mass of dust particles and gases or a cloudlike cluster of stars which occurs in interstellar space, very far away from our sun and its planets. A nebula may be either luminous or dark in… … Useful english dictionary