combatant — COMBATÁNT, Ă, combatanţi, te, adj. (Adesea substantivat) Care ia (este apt să ia) parte la lupte, care aparţine unei unităţi militare de luptă. ♦ fig. Care luptă activ, care militează pentru triumful unor idei. – Din fr. combattant. Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
combatant — mid 15c. (adj.), late 15c. (n.), from O.Fr. combatant (Mod.Fr. combattant) skilled at fighting, warlike, prp. adjective of combattre (also used as a noun in O.Fr.); see COMBAT (Cf. combat) … Etymology dictionary
Combatant — Com bat*ant, a. [F. combattant, p. pr.] Contending; disposed to contend. B. Jonson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
combatant — index aggressor, competitive (antagonistic), contender, contestant, disputant, foe, opponent, rival … Law dictionary
combatant — [n] fighter adversary, antagonist, assailant, attacker, battler, belligerent, contender, enemy, foe, serviceman, soldier, warrior; concept 358 … New thesaurus
combatant — ► NOUN ▪ a person or nation engaged in fighting during a war. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ engaged in fighting during a war … English terms dictionary
combatant — [kəm bat′ nt; ] also, and esp.Brit [, käm′bə tənt] adj. [ME < OFr, prp. of combattre: see COMBAT] 1. fighting 2. ready or prepared to fight n. a person who engages in combat; fighter … English World dictionary
Combatant — For the proposed aircraft carrier, see UXV Combatant. A combatant is someone who takes a direct part in the hostilities of an armed conflict. If a combatant follows the law of war, then they are considered a privileged combatant, and upon capture … Wikipedia
Combatant — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Combatant >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 combatant combatant Sgm: N 1 disputant disputant controversialist polemic litigant belligerent Sgm: N 1 competitor competitor rival corrival Sgm: N 1 … English dictionary for students
combatant — /keuhm bat nt, kom beuh teuhnt, kum /, n. 1. a nation engaged in active fighting with enemy forces. 2. a person or group that fights. adj. 3. combating; fighting: the combatant armies. 4. disposed to combat; combative. [1425 75; late ME… … Universalium