Composing stick

Composing stick
Composing Com*pos"ing, a. 1. Tending to compose or soothe. [1913 Webster]

2. Pertaining to, or used in, composition. [1913 Webster]

{Composing frame} (Print.), a stand for holding cases of type when in use.

{Composing rule} (Print.), a thin slip of brass or steel, against which the type is arranged in a composing stick, or by the aid of which stickfuls or handfuls or type are lifted; -- called also {setting rule}.

{Composing stick} (Print.), an instrument usually of metal, which the compositor holds in his left hand, and in which he arranges the type in words and lines. It has one open side, and one adjustable end by means of which the length of the lines, and consequently the width of the page or column, may be determined. [1913 Webster] ||

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • composing stick — n. a hand held adjustable metal tray in which a compositor sets type into words …   English World dictionary

  • Composing stick — A composing stick loaded with metal movable type, lying on a lower case with larger boxes for more common minuscule letters: the upper case holds capital letters. In letterpress printing and typesetting, a composing stick is an instrument used to …   Wikipedia

  • composing stick — noun : a shallow tray formerly of wood but now usually of metal that has an adjustable slide and is held in one hand by a compositor as he sets type into it with the other hand; also : a device of comparable function (as for hand setting matrices …   Useful english dictionary

  • composing stick — Print. a portable, adjustable, usually metal tray that the compositor holds in one hand while placing in it type gathered with the other hand. Also called job stick. [1670 80] * * * …   Universalium

  • composing stick — compos′ing stick n. pri a portable, adjustable, usu. metal tray that the compositor holds in one hand while placing in it type gathered with the other hand • Etymology: 1670–80 …   From formal English to slang

  • composing stick — noun Date: 1659 a tray with an adjustable slide that a compositor holds in one hand and sets type into with the other …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • composing stick — /kəmˈpoʊzɪŋ stɪk/ (say kuhm pohzing stik) noun Printing a small (usually) metal tray of adjustable width, in which type is set …  

  • stick — [stik] n. [ME stikke < OE sticca, akin to Du stek, ON stik < IE base * steig , a point > STAKE, Frank * stakka, Gr stigma, L instigare, INSTIGATE] 1. a long, usually slender piece of wood; specif., a) a twig or small branch broken off or …   English World dictionary

  • Stick — Stick, n. [OE. sticke, AS. sticca; akin to stician to stab, prick, pierce, G. stecken a stick, staff, OHG. steccho, Icel. stik a stick. See {Stick}, v. t..] 1. A small shoot, or branch, separated, as by a cutting, from a tree or shrub; also, any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Stick chimney — Stick Stick, n. [OE. sticke, AS. sticca; akin to stician to stab, prick, pierce, G. stecken a stick, staff, OHG. steccho, Icel. stik a stick. See {Stick}, v. t..] 1. A small shoot, or branch, separated, as by a cutting, from a tree or shrub; also …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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