Consolato del mare

Consolato del mare
Consolato del mare Con`so*la"to del ma"re [It., the consulate of the sea.] A collection of maritime laws of disputed origin, supposed to have been first published at Barcelona early in the 14th century. It has formed the basis of most of the subsequent collections of maritime laws. --Kent. --Bouvier. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • consolato del mare — /konsowlatow del marey/ The name of a code of sea laws, said to have been compiled by order of the kings of Arragon (or, according to other authorities, at Pisa or Barcelona) in the fourteenth century, which comprised the maritime ordinances of… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Consolato del Mare — /kawn saw lah taw del mah rdde/ a code of maritime law compiled in the Middle Ages: it drew upon ancient law and has influenced modern law …   Useful english dictionary

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