- Cremasteric
- Cremasteric Crem`as*ter"ic (kr?m`3s-t?r"?k), a. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the cremaster; as, the cremasteric artery. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
Cremasteric fascia — Latin fascia cremasterica Gray s subject #118 414 As the cremaster descends, it forms a series of loops which differ in thickness and length in different subjects. At the upper part of the cord the loops are short, but they become in succession… … Wikipedia
Cremasteric reflex — The cremasteric reflex is a superficial reflex observed in human males. This reflex is elicited by lightly stroking the superior and medial (inner) part of the thigh.[1] The normal response is a contraction of the cremaster muscle that pulls up… … Wikipedia
Cremasteric artery — Artery: Cremasteric artery The scrotum. Latin arteria cremasterica Gray s … Wikipedia
cremasteric reflex — a superficial reflex in males elicited by stroking the inner side of the upper thigh with a sharp object. If the reflex is intact the scrotum on that side is pulled upwards as the cremaster muscle contracts. Absence or reduction of both… … The new mediacal dictionary
cremasteric — Relating to the cremaster. * * * crem·as·ter·ic (krem″as terґik) pertaining to the musculus cremaster … Medical dictionary
cremasteric — adj. (Anatomy) pertaining to the cremaster (muscle from which the testes are suspended) … English contemporary dictionary
cremasteric — crem·as·ter·ic … English syllables
cremasteric — adjective or noun see cremaster … Useful english dictionary
cremasteric artery — arteria cremasterica … Medical dictionary
cremasteric fascia — fascia cremasterica [TA] the thin covering of the spermatic cord formed by the investing fascia of the cremaster muscle; it is adjacent to the external surface of the internal spermatic fascia. Called also Cooper f … Medical dictionary