Alchemilla arvensis

Alchemilla arvensis
Parsley Pars"ley (p[aum]rs"l[y^]), n. [OE. persely, persil, F. persil, L. petroselinum rock parsley, Gr. petrose`linon; pe`tros stone + se`linon parsley. Cf. {Celery}.] (Bot.) An aromatic umbelliferous herb ({Carum Petroselinum}), having finely divided leaves which are used in cookery and as a garnish. [1913 Webster]

As she went to the garden for parsley, to stuff a rabbit. --Shak. [1913 Webster]

{Fool's parsley}. See under {Fool}.

{Hedge parsley}, {Milk parsley}, {Stone parsley}, names given to various weeds of similar appearance to the parsley.

{Parsley fern} (Bot.), a small fern with leaves resembling parsley ({Cryptogramme crispa}).

{Parsley piert} (Bot.), a small herb ({Alchemilla arvensis}) formerly used as a remedy for calculus. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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