Custard apple

Custard apple
Custard Cus"tard (k[u^]s"t[~e]rd), n. [Prob. the same word as OE. crustade, crustate, a pie made with a crust, fr. L. crustatus covered with a crust, p. p. of crustare, fr. crusta crust; cf. OF. croustade pasty, It. crostata, or F. coutarde. See {Crust}, and cf. {Crustated}.] A mixture of milk and eggs, sweetened, and baked or boiled. [1913 Webster]

{Custard apple} (Bot.), a low tree or shrub of tropical America, including several species of {Anona} ({Anona squamosa}, {Anona reticulata}, etc.), having a roundish or ovate fruit the size of a small orange, containing a soft, yellowish, edible pulp.

{Custard coffin}, pastry, or crust, which covers or coffins a custard [Obs.] --Shak. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Custard apple — Custard apple, a common name, can refer to: Custard apple, also called bull s heart, the fruit of the tree Annona reticulata. The custard apple tree itself, Annona reticulata[1][2] The term may also refer to: Annonaceae the custard apple or… …   Wikipedia

  • custard-apple — [kus′tərd ap′əl] adj. 〚/span> CUSTARD, with references to the flavor and color〛 designating a family (Annonaceae, order Magnoliales) of dicotyledonous tropical trees and shrubs including the papaw, sweetsop, and soursop n. 1. any of a genus (esp …   Universalium

  • custard-apple — [kus′tərd ap′əl] adj. [< CUSTARD, with references to the flavor and color] designating a family (Annonaceae, order Magnoliales) of dicotyledonous tropical trees and shrubs including the papaw, sweetsop, and soursop n. 1. any of a genus (esp.… …   English World dictionary

  • Custard-apple — The tree also grows in Egypt,but the fruit is quite greenish in color not brown or yellowish.The common name for the fruit in Egypt is Kishta . For other uses, see Custard apple. The cross and section of A. reticulata The custard apple, also… …   Wikipedia

  • custard apple — noun 1. any of several tropical American trees bearing fruit with soft edible pulp • Syn: ↑custard apple tree • Hypernyms: ↑fruit tree • Hyponyms: ↑cherimoya, ↑cherimoya tree, ↑Annona cherimo …   Useful english dictionary

  • custard apple — 1. any of several trees of the genus Annona, as the cherimoya. 2. any of several other trees, as the pawpaw, Asimina triloba, bearing fruit with soft, edible pulp. 3. the fruit of any of these trees. [1650 60] * * * Any of various Annona species… …   Universalium

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  • custard-apple — žvynuotoji anona statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Anoninių šeimos vaistinis augalas (Annona squamosa), kilęs iš Vest Indijos. atitikmenys: lot. Annona squamosa angl. caneel apple; custard apple; sugar apple; sweet apple vok. Rahmapfel;… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

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