
Cyanide Cy"a*nide (s?"?-n?d or -n?d; 104), n. [Cf. F. cyanide. See {Cyanic}.] (Chem.) A compound formed by the union of cyanogen with an element or radical. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • cyanide — [sī′ə nīd΄, sī′ənid΄] n. [ CYAN(O) + IDE] a substance composed of a cyanogen group in combination with some element or radical; esp., potassium cyanide, KCN, or sodium cyanide, NaCN, extremely poisonous, white, crystalline compounds with an odor… …   English World dictionary

  • Cyanide — est une société française de développement de jeux vidéo, basée à Nanterre. Elle a été fondée en 2000 à Paris et a créé des antennes à Montréal (Québec, Canada) et Chengdu (Chine). Les fondateurs (Patrick Pligersdorffer, Philippe Thiébaut, Tuan… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cyanide — Cyanide, s. Cyanmetalle …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Cyanide — Cyanide,   Singular Cyanid das, s, Salze der Blausäure (Cyanverbindungen) …   Universal-Lexikon

  • cyanide — a salt of hydrocyanic acid, 1826, coined from cyan , comb. form for carbon and nitrogen compounds, from Gk. kyanos dark blue (see CYAN (Cf. cyan)) + chemical ending IDE (Cf. ide), on analogy of chloride. So called because it first had been… …   Etymology dictionary

  • cyanide — ► NOUN ▪ a salt or ester of hydrocyanic acid, most kinds of which are extremely poisonous …   English terms dictionary

  • Cyanide — This article is about the class of chemical compounds. For other uses, see Cyanide (disambiguation). The cyanide ion, CN−. From the top: 1. Valence bond structure 2. Space filling model 3. Electrostatic potential surface 4. Carbon lone pair… …   Wikipedia

  • cyanide — /suy euh nuyd , nid/, n., v., cyanided, cyaniding. n. 1. Also, cyanid /suy euh nid/. Chem. a. a salt of hydrocyanic acid, as potassium cyanide, KCN. b. a nitrile, as methyl cyanide, C2H3N. v.t. 2. to treat with a cyanide, as an ore in order to… …   Universalium

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