Cytomegalovirus — Cytomégalovirus Pour les articles homonymes, voir CMV … Wikipédia en Français
Cytomegalovirus — Classification and external resources ICD 10 B25 ICD 9 078.5 … Wikipedia
cytomégalovirus — [ sitomegalovirys ] n. m. • 1979; de cyto , mégalo et virus ♦ Biol. Virus de la famille de l herpès, normalement peu ou pas pathogène pour l homme, mais pouvant provoquer des affections graves chez des sujets soumis à un traitement… … Encyclopédie Universelle
cytomegalovirus — [sīt΄ō meg΄ə lō vī′rəs] n. [ CYTO + MEGALO + VIRUS] any of a group of herpesviruses that cause enlargement of the epithelial cells, esp. of the salivary glands, associated with pneumonia and with abnormalities in newborn infants that affect the… … English World dictionary
Cytomégalovirus — Pour les articles homonymes, voir CMV. Cytomégalovirus … Wikipédia en Français
cytomegalovirus — /suy toh meg euh loh vuy reuhs/, n., pl. cytomegaloviruses. a common virus of the herpesvirus family, usually harmless or causing mild colds but capable of producing severe systemic damage in infected newborns and immunosuppressed persons. Abbr … Universalium
cytomegalovirus — UK [ˌsaɪtəʊˈmeɡələʊˌvaɪrəs] / US [ˌsaɪtoʊˈmeɡəloʊˌvaɪrəs] noun [countable] Word forms cytomegalovirus : singular cytomegalovirus plural cytomegaloviruses medical a virus that usually causes minor infections but can cause serious infections in… … English dictionary
cytomegalovirus — noun Etymology: New Latin, from cytomegalia + o + virus Date: 1963 a herpesvirus (species Human herpesvirus 5 of the genus Cytomegalovirus) that causes cellular enlargement and formation of eosinophilic inclusion bodies especially in the … New Collegiate Dictionary
cytomegalovirus — noun Any of several herpes viruses, of the genus Cytomegalovirus, that attack the salivary glands … Wiktionary
Cytomegalovirus — A group of viruses in the family Herpesviridae infecting humans and other animals, many of the viruses having special affinity for salivary glands, and causing enlargement of cells of various organs and development of characteristic inclusions… … Medical dictionary