
Alemannic Al`e*man"nic, n. The language of the Alemanni. [1913 Webster]

The Swabian dialect . . . is known as the Alemannic. --Amer. Cyc. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Alemannic — Al e*man nic, a. Belonging to the Alemanni, a confederacy of warlike German tribes. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Alemannic — [al΄əman′ik] n. the group of German dialects spoken in SW Germany and in Alsace and Switzerland adj. of the Alemanni or their language or culture …   English World dictionary

  • Alemannic — The term Alemannic can have several, related meanings:* Alemannic is used to refer to the Alemanni/Alamanni, a Germanic tribe of the 1st millennium. * Alemannic German refers to a dialect family in the Upper German branch of the German language.… …   Wikipedia

  • Alemannic — Al•e•man•nic [[t]ˌæl əˈmæn ɪk[/t]] n. 1) peo a dialect of Old High German descended in large part from the speech of the Alemanni 2) peo the dialects of modern German descended from Alemannic, spoken in extreme S Germany, Switzerland, and Alsace… …   From formal English to slang

  • Alemannic — /al euh man ik/, n. 1. the high German speech of Switzerland, Alsace, and southwestern Germany. Cf. Bavarian (def. 3). adj. 2. of or pertaining to Alemannic or the Alemanni. Also, Alamannic. [1770 80; < L Alamannicus: see ALEMANNI, IC] * * * …   Universalium

  • Alemannic — 1. noun The language, closely related to German, spoken in certain parts of South Germany, Switzerland, Austria and France. In several cantons in Switzerland it is an official language. Immigrants who wish to become citizens of these cantons must …   Wiktionary

  • Alemannic German — Alemannic Alemannisch Pronunciation [alɛˈman(ː)ɪʃ] Spoken in   …   Wikipedia

  • Alemannic Separatism — is a historical movement of limited notability advocating the unification of the Alemannic speaking areas northeast of the Rhine and Lake Constance with Switzerland. It has its roots in the Napoleonic era, and briefly resurfaced after the Second… …   Wikipedia

  • Alemannic German — noun The Alemannic language Syn: Alemannic, Swiss German …   Wiktionary

  • Alemannic — noun Etymology: ultimately from Late Latin Alemanni, Alamanni a confederation of Germanic tribes, from Germanic *ala all + *mann man more at all, man Date: circa 1797 the group of dialects of German spoken in Alsace, Switzerland, and southwestern …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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