developing underdeveloped

developing underdeveloped
nonindustrial onindustrial adj. 1. not industrial; -- used of societies. Opposite of {industrial} and {industrialized}. [Narrower terms: {developing, underdeveloped}; {unindustrialized ] [WordNet 1.5]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • underdeveloped — [[t]ʌ̱ndə(r)dɪve̱ləpt[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n An underdeveloped country or region does not have modern industries and usually has a low standard of living. Some people dislike this term and prefer to use developing. Underdeveloped countries should be …   English dictionary

  • underdeveloped country — ˌunderdeˌveloped ˈcountry noun underdeveloped countries PLURALFORM [countable] ECONOMICS a country that is poor and where there is not much modern industry compare developing country, LDC * * * underdeveloped country UK US …   Financial and business terms

  • developing country — deˌveloping ˈcountry noun developing countries PLURALFORM [countable] a country that is changing its economy from one based mainly on farming to one based on industry: • Developing countries, including such giants as India and China, have… …   Financial and business terms

  • developing — adj. 1. not industrialized but undergoing industrialization; sometimes used as a euphemism for undeveloped ; of nations. Syn: underdeveloped. [WordNet 1.5] 2. [pr. p. of {develop} (WN definition 5)] becoming or arising; as, the rushing yellow of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • developing — de|vel|op|ing [dıˈveləpıŋ] adj 1.) a developing country is a poor country that is trying to increase its industry and trade and improve life for its people →↑developed, underdeveloped ↑underdeveloped developing countries/nations ▪ aid to… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • underdeveloped — adjective 1 underdeveloped country/region etc a country, region etc that is poor and where there is not much modern industry compare developing country developing 2 not having grown or developed as much as is usual or necessary: a skinny,… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Developing country — A developing country, also known as a less developed country[1], is a nation with a low level of material well being. Since no single definition of the term developing country is recognized internationally, the levels of development may vary… …   Wikipedia

  • underdeveloped — un|der|de|vel|oped [ ,ʌndərdı veləpt ] adjective 1. ) an underdeveloped country or region is poor and does not have modern industries or advanced technology. Many people consider this to be an offensive word, and prefer to use the word developing …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • underdeveloped — UK [ˌʌndə(r)dɪˈveləpt] / US [ˌʌndərdɪˈveləpt] adjective 1) economics an underdeveloped country or region is poor and does not have modern industries or advanced technology. Many people consider this to be an offensive word, and prefer to use the… …   English dictionary

  • underdeveloped — un|der|de|vel|oped [ˌʌndədıˈveləpt US dər ] adj 1.) underdeveloped country/region etc a country, area etc that is poor and where there is not much modern industry →developing country 2.) not having grown or developed as much as is usual or… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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