digital computer

digital computer
Computer Com*put"er (k[o^]m*p[=u]t"[~e]r), n. 1. One who computes.

2. (Computers) an electronic device for performing calculations automatically. It consists of a clock to provide voltage pulses to synchronize the operations of the devices within the computer, a central processing unit, where the arithmetical and logical operations are performed on data, a random-access memory, where the programs and data are stored for rapid access, devices to input data and output results, and various other peripheral devices of widely varied function, as well as circuitry to support the main operations.

Note: This modern sense of computer comprises the stored-program computers, in which multiple steps in a calculation may be stored within the computer itself as {instructions} in a {program}, and are then executed by the computer without further intervention of the operator. Different types of computer are variously called {analog computer}, {number cruncher, number-cruncher}, {digital computer}, and {pari-mutuel machine, totalizer, totaliser, totalizator, totalisator}.

Syn: data processor, electronic computer, information processing system. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

3. (Computers) same as {digital computer}. [PJC]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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