
Allure Al*lure", v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Alluded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Alluring}.] [OF. aleurrer, alurer, fr. a (L. ad) + leurre lure. See {Lure}.] To attempt to draw; to tempt by a lure or bait, that is, by the offer of some good, real or apparent; to invite by something flattering or acceptable; to entice; to attract. [1913 Webster]

With promised joys allured them on. --Falconer. [1913 Webster]

The golden sun in splendor likest Heaven Allured his eye. --Milton. [1913 Webster]

Syn: To attract; entice; tempt; decoy; seduce.

Usage: To {Allure}, {Entice}, {Decoy}, {Seduce}. These words agree in the idea of acting upon the mind by some strong controlling influence, and differ according to the image under which is presented. They are all used in a bad sense, except allure, which has sometimes (though rarely) a good one. We are allured by the prospect or offer (usually deceptive) of some future good. We are commonly enticed into evil by appeals to our passions. We are decoyed into danger by false appearances or representations. We are seduced when drawn aside from the path of rectitude. What allures draws by gentle means; what entices leads us by promises and persuasions; what decoys betrays us, as it were, into a snare or net; what seduces deceives us by artful appeals to the passions. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • allure — [ alyr ] n. f. • 1170; de aller 1 ♦ Vitesse de déplacement. « Sa fébrilité lui avait fait accélérer l allure » (Martin du Gard). Rouler à toute allure, à vive allure. Forcer son allure. Loc. fam. À l allure où vont les choses, de la façon dont… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • alluré — allure [ alyr ] n. f. • 1170; de aller 1 ♦ Vitesse de déplacement. « Sa fébrilité lui avait fait accélérer l allure » (Martin du Gard). Rouler à toute allure, à vive allure. Forcer son allure. Loc. fam. À l allure où vont les choses, de la façon… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Allure — Al lure , n. [F.; aller to go.] Gait; bearing. [1913 Webster] The swing, the gait, the pose, the allure of these men. Harper s Mag. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • allure — (v.) c.1400, from Anglo Fr. alurer, O.Fr. aleurer to attract, captivate; train a falcon to hunt, from à to (see AD (Cf. ad )) + loirre falconer s lure, from a Frankish word (see LURE (Cf. lure)), perhaps influenced by Fr. allure gait, way of… …   Etymology dictionary

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