disjointed dislocated separated

disjointed dislocated separated
injured injured adj. 1. having received an injury;-- usually used of physical or mental injury to persons. Opposite of {uninjured}. [Narrower terms: {abraded, scraped, skinned ; {battle-scarred, scarred}; {bit, bitten, stung ; {black-and-blue, livid ; {bruised, contused, contusioned ; {bruised, hurt, wounded ; {burned}; {cut, gashed, slashed, split ; {disabled, hors de combat, out of action ; {disjointed, dislocated, separated ; {hurt, wounded ; {lacerated, mangled, torn}; {maimed, mutilated ] Also See: {broken}, {damaged}, {damaged}, {impaired}, {unsound}, {wronged}. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

2. subjected to an injustice.

Syn: aggrieved. [WordNet 1.5]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • abraded scraped skinned — injured injured adj. 1. having received an injury; usually used of physical or mental injury to persons. Opposite of {uninjured}. [Narrower terms: {abraded, scraped, skinned ; {battle scarred, scarred}; {bit, bitten, stung ; {black and blue,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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