
Distinct Dis*tinct", v. t. To distinguish. [Obs.] --Rom. of R. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • distinct — 1 Distinct, separate, several, discrete are comparable when used in reference to two or more things (sometimes persons) and in the sense of not being individually the same. Distinct always implies a capacity for being distinguished by the eye or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • distinct — distinct, incte [ distɛ̃(kt), ɛ̃kt ] adj. • 1308; lat. distinctus, de distinguere 1 ♦ Qui ne se confond pas avec qqch. d analogue, de voisin. ⇒ autre, différent, indépendant, séparé. Problèmes, domaines distincts. « la politique n est pas… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • distinct — distinct, distinctive 1. Both words are related to the verb distinguish, but distinct means essentially ‘separate, different’ (The word has several distinct meanings) or ‘unmistakable, decided’ (She has a distinct impression of being watched),… …   Modern English usage

  • distinct — DISTÍNCT, Ă, distincţi, te, adj. 1. Care se deosebeşte prin anumite trăsături proprii de alte lucruri de acelaşi fel sau asemănătoare; deosebit, diferit. 2. (Adesea adverbial) Clar, evident, lămurit, desluşit. – Din fr. distinct, lat. distinctus …   Dicționar Român

  • Distinct — Dis*tinct , a. [L. distinctus, p. p. of distinguere: cf. F. distinct. See {Distinguish}.] 1. Distinguished; having the difference marked; separated by a visible sign; marked out; specified. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Wherever thus created for no place …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • distinct — I (clear) adjective apparent, clarus, clear cut, clear to the mind, clear to the senses, clearly defined, concrete, conspicuous, crystal clear, definite, distinctus, distinguishable, easily perceived, easily understood, eidetic, evident, explicit …   Law dictionary

  • distinct — distinct, te (di stin, stin kt ; il y a trois manières différentes de prononcer ce mot au masculin : les uns disent di stinkt , les autres di stink ; d autres enfin di stin ; cette dernière manière a pour elle l analogie ; c était celle du temps… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • distinct — [di stiŋkt′] adj. [ME & OFr < L distinctus, pp. of distinguere: see DISTINGUISH] 1. not alike; different 2. not the same; separate; individual 3. clearly perceived or marked off; clear; plain [a distinct image] 4. well defined; unmistakable;… …   English World dictionary

  • distinct — DISTINCT, INCTE. adject. Différent, séparé d un autre. Ce sont deux choses bien distinctes. Il faut que les articles d un compte soient bien distincts. [b]f♛/b] Il signifie aussi, Clair et net. Un son distinct, une voix distincte. Une vue… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • distinct — [adj1] apparent, obvious audible, categorical, clean cut, clear, clear cut, decided, definite, enunciated, evident, explicit, express, incisive, lucid, manifest, marked, noticeable, palatable, patent, perspicuous, plain, prescribed, recognizable …   New thesaurus

  • distinct — Distinct, [distin]cte. adj. v. Different, separé d un autre. Ce sont deux choses bien distinctes. il faut que les articles d un compte soient distincts. Il signifie aussi, Clair & net. Un son distinct. une voix distincte. une veüe distincte. en… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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