Divaricate — is a term used in identifying plants describing the pattern of branching. Divaricate branching is roughly horizontal, usually only diverging about 15 degrees upward or downward.[1] References ^ Vascular Plant Systematics, Albert E. Radford,… … Wikipedia
Divaricate — Di*var i*cate, v. t. To divide into two branches; to cause to branch apart. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Divaricate — Di*var i*cate, a. [L. divaricatus, p. p.] 1. Diverging; spreading asunder; widely diverging. [1913 Webster] 2. (Biol.) Forking and diverging; widely diverging; as the branches of a tree, or as lines of sculpture, or color markings on animals, etc … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
divaricate — index bifurcate, bipartite, break (separate), conflict, deviate, dichotomize, digress, disaccord … Law dictionary
divaricate — [dī var′i kāt΄, divar′i kāt΄] vi., vt. divaricated, divaricating [< L divaricatus, pp. of divaricare, to spread apart < dis , apart + varicare, to straddle: see PREVARICATE] to spread widely apart; separate into diverging parts or branches; … English World dictionary
divaricate — Synonyms and related words: aberrate, be distinct, be distinguished, bear off, bend, bifurcate, branch, branch off, branch out, break up, broach, capricious, centrifugal, change the bearing, changeable, changing, chink, choppy, clash with, cleave … Moby Thesaurus
divaricate — v.intr. diverge, branch; separate widely. Derivatives: divaricate adj. divarication n. Etymology: L divaricare (as DI (2), varicus straddling) … Useful english dictionary
divaricate from — index differ (vary) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
divaricate — transitive verb ( cated; cating) Etymology: Latin divaricatus, past participle of divaricare, from dis + varicare to straddle more at prevaricate Date: 1673 to spread apart ; branch off ; diverge … New Collegiate Dictionary
divaricate — adj. [L. divaricatus, spread apart] 1. Forked or divided into branches; diverging. 2. (MOLLUSCA: Bivalvia) Pertains to ornamentation consisting of widely divergent costulae or other shell ornamentation … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology