
Amusing A*mus"ing, a. Giving amusement; diverting; as, an amusing story. -- {A*mus"ing*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • amusingly — adverb in an entertaining and amusing manner Hollywood has grown too sophisticated to turn out anything really amusingly bad these days • Syn: ↑divertingly • Derived from adjective: ↑diverting (for: ↑divertingly), ↑amusing …   Useful english dictionary

  • amusingly — adverb see amusing …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • amusingly — See amusing. * * * …   Universalium

  • amusingly — adverb /əˈm(j)uzɪŋli/ In an amusing manner …   Wiktionary

  • amusingly — adv. entertainingly …   English contemporary dictionary

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  • amusingly — See: amusing …   English dictionary

  • amusing — amusingly, adv. amusingness, n. /euh myooh zing/, adj. 1. pleasantly entertaining or diverting: an amusing speaker. 2. causing laughter or mirth; humorously entertaining: an amusing joke. [1590 1600; AMUSE + ING2] Syn. 1. charming, cheering,… …   Universalium

  • amusing — [[t]əmju͟ːzɪŋ[/t]] ADJ GRADED Someone or something that is amusing makes you laugh or smile. He had a terrific sense of humour and could be very amusing... They recounted amusing stories about their first sexual experiences. Syn: entertaining… …   English dictionary

  • divertingly — adverb in an entertaining and amusing manner Hollywood has grown too sophisticated to turn out anything really amusingly bad these days • Syn: ↑amusingly • Derived from adjective: ↑diverting, ↑amusing (for: ↑amusingly) * …   Useful english dictionary

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