fastigiated — fas·tig·i·at·ed … English syllables
fastigiated — adjective see fastigiate * * * fastigˈiated adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑fastigiate … Useful english dictionary
Fastigiate — Fas*tig i*ate, Fastigiated Fas*tig i*a ted, a. [L. fastigium gable end, top, height, summit.] 1. Narrowing towards the top. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) Clustered, parallel, and upright, as the branches of the Lombardy poplar; pointed. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fastigiate — /fa stij ee it, ayt /, adj. 1. rising to a pointed top. 2. Zool. joined together in a tapering adhering group. 3. Bot. a. erect and parallel, as branches. b. having such branches. Also, fastigiated. [1655 65; < L fastigi(um) height, highest point … Universalium
fastigiate — /fæsˈtɪdʒiət/ (say fas tijeeuht), / eɪt/ (say ayt) adjective 1. rising to a pointed top. 2. Zoology joined together in a tapering adhering group. 3. Botany a. erect and parallel, as branches. b. having such branches. Also, fastigiated. {Latin… …