Federal National Mortgage Association
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Federal National Mortgage Association — ( FNMA) A U.S. government sponsored enterprise. FNMA is a private corporation created by the U.S. government to facilitate financing for housing. Informally but widely known as Fannie Mae. American Banker Glossary ( Fannie Mae) A publicly owned,… … Financial and business terms
Federal National Mortgage Association — Logo de Federal National Mortgage Association Création 1938 … Wikipédia en Français
Federal National Mortgage Association — Fannie Mae Unternehmensform GSE ISIN … Deutsch Wikipedia
the Federal National Mortgage Association — UK US noun (ABBREVIATION the FNMA) GOVERNMENT, PROPERTY ► FANNIE MAE(Cf. ↑Fannie Mae) … Financial and business terms
Federal National Mortgage Association — (Fannie Mae) Федеральная национальная ипотечная ассоциация США. Федеральная национальная ипотечная ассоциация США («Фэнни Мэй») в своей нынешней форме начала функционировать в 1968 г. «Фэнни Мэй» квази государственная организация: по структуре… … Ипотека. Словарь терминов
Federal National Mortgage Association — Organized in 1938 to provide a secondary mortgage market for purchase and sale of mortgages guaranteed by Veterans Administration and those insured under Federal Housing Administration. The short name for this association is Fannie Mae … Black's law dictionary
Federal National Mortgage Association — Organized in 1938 to provide a secondary mortgage market for purchase and sale of mortgages guaranteed by Veterans Administration and those insured under Federal Housing Administration. The short name for this association is Fannie Mae … Black's law dictionary
Federal National Mortgage Association — FNMA A government sponsored privately owned company formed in the USA to trade in mortgages, guaranteed by the Federal Housing Finance Board (see Federal Home Loan Banks). It is the largest source of housing finance in the USA. FNMA is often… … Big dictionary of business and management
Federal National Mortgage Association — (FNMA) “ FANNIE MAE.” Originally a government agency (1938), this mortgage market intermediary buys federally insured mortgages from lenders, thereby releasing funds so that lenders can make more loans, and then packages the loans for resale to… … American business jargon
Federal National Mortgage Association — /ˌfed(ə)rəl ˌnæʃ(ə)nəl mɔ: ɪd əˌsəυsieɪʃ(ə)n/ noun a privately owned US organisation which regulates mortgages and helps offer mortgages backed by federal funds. Abbreviation FNMA. Also called Fannie Mae … Dictionary of banking and finance