
Feud Feud (f[=u]d), n. [OE. feide, AS. f[=ae]h[eth], fr. f[=a]h hostile; akin to OHG. f[=e]hida, G. fehde, Sw. fejd, D. feide; prob. akin to E. fiend. See Foe.] 1. A combination of kindred to avenge injuries or affronts, done or offered to any of their blood, on the offender and all his race. [1913 Webster]

2. A contention or quarrel; especially, an inveterate strife between families, clans, or parties; deadly hatred; contention satisfied only by bloodshed. [1913 Webster]

Mutual feuds and battles betwixt their several tribes and kindreds. --Purchas.

Syn: Affray; fray; broil; contest; dispute; strife. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • feud — ► NOUN 1) a prolonged and bitter quarrel or dispute. 2) a state of prolonged mutual hostility and violence. ► VERB ▪ take part in a feud. ORIGIN Old French feide hostility …   English terms dictionary

  • feud — feud1 [fyo͞od] n. [ME fede < OFr faide < Frank * faida, akin to OHG fehida, enmity, revenge < IE base * peik , hostile > FOE, Lith pìktas, angry] 1. a bitter, protracted, and violent quarrel, esp. between clans or families, often… …   English World dictionary

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