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fibrillated — Composed of fibrils. SYN: fibrillate (2). * * * fi·bril·lat·ed (fĭґbrĭ lāt″əd) made up of fibrils … Medical dictionary
fibrillated — v. convulse, quiver, twitch (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
fibrillated — fi·bril·lat·ed … English syllables
fibrillated — adjective see fibrillate II … Useful english dictionary
Hollander beater — A Hollander beater is a machine developed by the Dutch in 1680 to produce paper pulp from cellulose containing plant fibers. It replaced stamp mills for preparing pulp because the Hollander could produce in one day the same quantity of pulp it… … Wikipedia
History of CPR — Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is an important life saving first aid skill, practised throughout the world. It is the only known effective method of keeping someone who has suffered cardiac arrest alive long enough for definitive treatment to be… … Wikipedia
W. L. Gore and Associates — W. L. Gore Associates, Inc. Type Private Founded 1958 Founder(s) Bill Gore and Vieve Gore … Wikipedia
fibrillate — fibrillative, adj. /fuy breuh layt , fib reuh /, v., fibrillated, fibrillating. v.t. 1. to cause to undergo fibrillation. v.i. 2. to undergo fibrillation. [1830 40; FIBRILL(A) + ATE1] * * * … Universalium
Fibrillation — In matters of the heart (cardiology), fibrillation is incoordinate twitching of the heart muscle fibers. The difference between fibrillation and flutter is that fibrillation is not well organized while flutter is. For example, atrial flutter is… … Medical dictionary
fibrillate — 1. To make or to become fibrillar. 2. SYN: fibrillated. 3. To be in a state of fibrillation (3). * * * fi·bril·late fib rə .lāt, fīb vb, lat·ed; lat·ing vi to undergo or exhibit fibrillation vt to cause (as the heart) to undergo fibrillation … Medical dictionary