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flowingness — n. quality of moving in a stream; state of moving gracefully and smoothly; abundance … English contemporary dictionary
flowingness — flow·ing·ness … English syllables
flowingness — noun ( es) : the quality or state of being flowing * * * flowˈingness noun • • • Main Entry: ↑flow … Useful english dictionary
flowing — flowingly, adv. flowingness, n. /floh ing/, adj. 1. moving in or as in a stream: flowing water. 2. proceeding smoothly or easily; facile: flowing language. 3. long, smooth, graceful, and without sudden interruption or change of direction: flowing … Universalium
facility — n 1. edifice, building, structure, plant; complex, system, network. 2. easiness, simpleness, conducibleness, conduceability, conduciveness; feasibility, feasibleness, practicability, practicableness. 3. benefit, aid, means, resource, advantage,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder