Frame of mind

Frame of mind
Frame of mind Frame of mind, n. mood; mental attitude; mental disposition; same as {frame[6]}. [PJC]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • frame of mind — Frame Frame, n. 1. Anything composed of parts fitted and united together; a fabric; a structure; esp., the constructional system, whether of timber or metal, that gives to a building, vessel, etc., its model and strength; the skeleton of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Frame of Mind — may refer to:* Frame of Mind (album), the second album of the German singer, Sandy Mölling * Frame of Mind ( TNG episode), an episode of the sixth season of the science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation * Frame of Mind… …   Wikipedia

  • frame of mind — noun count the mood that someone is in, which influences their attitudes or feelings: I m not in the right frame of mind for jokes just now …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • frame of mind — ► frame of mind a particular mood. Main Entry: ↑frame …   English terms dictionary

  • frame of mind — [n] state of mind attitude, constitution, disposition, emotions, inner nature, makeup, mentality, mood, nature, spirit, state, temperament; concepts 410,689 …   New thesaurus

  • frame of mind — index character (personal quality), disposition (inclination), outlook, position (point of view), spirit Burton s Legal Thesa …   Law dictionary

  • frame of mind — noun a temporary psychological state • Syn: ↑state of mind • Hypernyms: ↑temporary state, ↑psychological state, ↑psychological condition, ↑mental state, ↑mental condition …   Useful english dictionary

  • frame of mind — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms frame of mind : singular frame of mind plural frames of mind the mood that someone is in, which influences their attitudes or feelings I m not in the right frame of mind for jokes just now …   English dictionary

  • frame of mind — frames of mind N COUNT: usu sing, with supp Your frame of mind is the mood that you are in, which causes you to have a particular attitude to something. Lewis was not in the right frame of mind to continue …   English dictionary

  • frame of mind — mood, mental attitude, state of mind    I m not in the right frame of mind to listen to your poem …   English idioms

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