Injector — In*ject or, n. 1. One who, or that which, injects. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mach.) A contrivance for forcing feed water into a steam boiler by the direct action of the steam upon the water. The water is driven into the boiler by the impulse of a jet of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Giffard injector — Gif fard in*ject or (Mach.) See under {Injector}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
GIFFARD — FRANCE (see also List of Individuals) 8.2.1825 Paris/F 14.4.1882 Paris/F Henri Giffard was an engineer from Ecole Centrale in Paris interested in the motion of air balloons. After engineering studies he improved the steam machine that made him a… … Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000
Injector — An injector, ejector, steam ejector or steam injector is a pump like device that uses the Venturi effect of a converging diverging nozzle to convert the pressure energy of a motive fluid to velocity energy which creates a low pressure zone that… … Wikipedia
fuel injector — Injector In*ject or, n. 1. One who, or that which, injects. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mach.) A contrivance for forcing feed water into a steam boiler by the direct action of the steam upon the water. The water is driven into the boiler by the impulse of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Henri Giffard — (1825 1882) was a French engineer.Giffard invented the injector and the powered airship with a steam engine weighing over 400 lb; it was the world s first passenger carrying airship (known as a Dirigible). [ [http://www.century of… … Wikipedia
Saugstrahlpumpe — Saugstrahlpumpe, eine von Thomson erfundene Wasserpumpe; das zum Wasserheben verwendete Aufschlagwasser fließt aus der verticalen Einfallröhre durch ein konisches Mundstück in eine weitere horizontale Abflußröhre u. saugt bei seinem Eintritte in… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Alexander Friedmann (Unternehmer) — Alexander Friedmann (* 8. Mai 1838 in Pest, Ungarn; † 22. Februar 1882 in Wien) war ein Wiener Industrieller, Gemeinderat und Landtagsabgeordneter. Seine Eltern waren der Kaufmann Heinrich Friedmann und Johanna. Er und seine Brüder Dubi und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Needle valve — Giffard steam water injector (B needle valve). A needle valve … Wikipedia
List of inventors — This is a list of inventors. See also: List of scientists, Timeline of invention, List of inventions named after people, List of inventors killed by their own inventions, and . Alphabetical list compactTOC NOTOC A * Vitaly Mikhaylovich Abalakov,… … Wikipedia