
Guillotine Guil"lo*tine` (g[i^]l"l[-o]*t[=e]n`), n. [F., from Guillotin, a French physician, who proposed, in the Constituent Assembly of 1789, to abolish decapitation with the ax or sword. The instrument was invented by Dr. Antoine Louis, and was called at first {Louison} or {Louisette}. Similar machines, however, were known earlier.] 1. A machine for beheading a person by one stroke of a heavy ax or blade, which slides in vertical guides, is raised by a cord, and let fall upon the neck of the victim. [1913 Webster]

2. Any machine or instrument for cutting or shearing, resembling in its action a guillotine. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • guillotine — [ gijɔtin ] n. f. • 1789; de Guillotin, n. du médecin qui en préconisa l usage, après Louis et sa louisette 1 ♦ Instrument de supplice servant à trancher la tête des condamnés à mort par la chute d un couperet qui glisse entre deux montants… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Guillotine — Sf Fallbeil erw. fach. (18. Jh.) Onomastische Bildung. Entlehnt aus frz. guillotine, das zurückgeht auf den Namen des Befürworters dieser Hinrichtungsart, dem französischen Arzt Guillotin.    Ebenso nndl. guillotine, ne. guillotine, nschw.… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • guillotiné — guillotiné, ée (ghi llo ti né, née, ll mouillées) part. passé de guillotiner. Condamné à mort pour meurtre et guillotiné.    Substantivement. Un guillotiné …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • guillotine — ► NOUN 1) a machine with a heavy blade sliding vertically in grooves, used for beheading people. 2) a device with a descending or sliding blade used for cutting paper or sheet metal. 3) Brit. (in parliament) a procedure used to limit discussion… …   English terms dictionary

  • Guillotine — Guil lo*tine (g[i^]l l[ o]*t[=e]n ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Guillotined}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Guillotining}.] [Cf. F. guillotiner.] To behead with the guillotine. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Guillotine — Guillotine, die bekannte, in Frankreich übliche Hinrichtungsmaschine, aus zwei oben mit einem Querbalken verbundenen Säulen bestehend, zwischen denen ein scharfes Eisen, das durch ein in einer Kurbel laufendes Seil dirigirt wird, schnell und… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • guillotine — (n.) The name of the machine in which the axe descends in grooves from a considerable height so that the stroke is certain and the head instantly severed from the body. [ Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure, January 1793], 1791, from Fr …   Etymology dictionary

  • guillotine — [gil′ə tēn΄, gē′ətēn; ] for v., also [ gil΄ə tēn′, gē΄ətēn′] n. [Fr, after J. I. Guillotin (1738 1814), Fr physician who advocated its use during the French Revolution in preference to less humane methods] 1. an instrument for beheading by means… …   English World dictionary

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