
Hallstatt Hall"statt (h[aum]l"st[aum]t; -sht[aum]t), Hallstattian Hall*stat"ti*an (h[aum]l*st[aum]t"t[i^]*an), a. Of or pertaining to Hallstatt, Austria, or the Hallstatt civilization. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

{Hallstatt civilization} or {Hallstattian civilization}, a prehistoric civilization of central Europe, variously dated at from 1000 to 1500 b. c. and usually associated with the Celtic or Alpine race. It was characterized by expert use of bronze, a knowledge of iron, possession of domestic animals, agriculture, and artistic skill and sentiment in manufacturing pottery, ornaments, etc. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

The Hallstattian civilization flourished chiefly in Carinthia, southern Germany, Switzerland, Bohemia, Silesia, Bosnia, the southeast of France, and southern Italy. --J. Deniker. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

{Hallstattian epoch}, the first iron age, represented by the {Hallstatt civilization}. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Hallstatt — Hallstatt …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hallstatt — [häl′stät΄, häl′shtät΄; hôl′stät΄] adj. 〚from archaeological findings at Hallstatt, Austria〛 designating or of an Iron Age culture (c. 700 400 B.C. ) in central Europe, characterized by swords of bronze or iron with winged metal terminals and by… …   Universalium

  • Hallstatt — ou Hallstadt bourg de Haute Autriche, célèbre par sa station protohistorique. Le nom de la localité a été donné au début de l âge du fer européen (Hallstatt I, env. 800 à 600 av. J. C.; Hallstatt II, env. 600 à 500 av. J. C.) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Hallstatt — Hallstatt, Marktflecken in Oberösterreich, Bezirksh. Gmunden, 497 m ü. M., am Fuße des Hallstätter Salzbergs (Plassen 1952 m), am südwestlichen Rande des Hallstätter Sees (s. d.), mit Station der Staatsbahnlinie Stainach Schärding (am jenseitigen …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Hallstatt — Hallstatt, cultura de * * * Lugar ubicado en la Alta Austria, donde por primera vez se identificaron objetos característicos de los comienzos de la edad del hierro ( 1100 BC). Más de 2.000 tumbas estaban cerca de una mina de sal que preservó… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Hallstatt — [häl′stät΄, häl′shtät΄; hôl′stät΄] adj. [from archaeological findings at Hallstatt, Austria] designating or of an Iron Age culture (c. 700 400 B.C. ) in central Europe, characterized by swords of bronze or iron with winged metal terminals and by… …   English World dictionary

  • Hallstatt — Hallstatt, Marktflecken in Oberösterreich, im Salzkammergut, am Hallstätter See (9 qkm groß, bis 125 m tief, von der Traun durchflossen), (1900) 1758 E., hervorragende Gräberfunde aus der Hallstätter Zeit (s.d.); Salzbergwerk im Hallstätter… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Hallstatt — 1866, Iron Age civilization of Europe, from the name of a village in Upper Austria, where implements from this period were found. The Germanic name is lit. place of salt, in reference to ancient salt mines there, which preserved the bodies of the …   Etymology dictionary

  • Hallstatt — Para otros usos de este término, véase Cultura de Hallstatt. Hallstatt Bandera …   Wikipedia Español

  • Hallstatt — Infobox Ort in Österreich Art = Gemeinde Name = Hallstatt Wappen = Hallstatt Coat of Arms.jpg lat deg = 47 | lat min = 33 | lat sec = 21 lon deg = 13 | lon min = 38 | lon sec = 48 Bundesland = Oberösterreich Bezirk = Gmunden Höhe = 511 Fläche =… …   Wikipedia

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