
Anti-imperialism An`ti-im*pe"ri*al*ism, n. Opposition to imperialism.

Note: This term was applied originally in the United States, after the Spanish-American war (1898), to the attitude or principles of those opposing territorial expansion; in England, of those, often called Little Englanders, opposing the extension of the empire and the closer relation of its parts, esp. in matters of commerce and imperial defense. After the second world war, the term became used for opposition to any hegemony of one power over a foreign territory, and to the support for the national independence of territories, as in Africa, which were controlled by European nations. -- {An`ti-im*pe"ri*al*ist}, n. -- {An`ti-im*pe`ri*al*is"tic}, a. [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC] ||

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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