homocercal — [hō΄mō sʉr′kəl, häm΄ōsʉr′kəl] adj. [< HOMO + Gr kerkos, a tail + AL] designating, of, or having a tail fin in which the upper and lower lobes are symmetrical and in which the spine is shortened and ends at or near the center of the base, as in … English World dictionary
homocercal — adjective Date: 1838 1. of a fish tail fin having the upper and lower lobes approximately symmetrical and the vertebral column ending at or near the middle of the base 2. having or relating to a homocercal tail fin … New Collegiate Dictionary
homocercal — type of tail fin in which the vertebrae generally turn upward at the hind end of the column, but which is externally symmetrical. The fin rays of the caudal are supported by hypaxial elements. Found in most Teleostei … Dictionary of ichthyology
homocercal — homocercy /hoh meuh serr see, hom euh /, homocercality /hoh meuh seuhr kal i tee, hom euh /, n. /hoh meuh serr keuhl, hom euh /, adj. Ichthyol. having an equally divided tail, characteristic of adult modern bony fishes. Cf. diphycercal,… … Universalium
homocercal — adjective Describing the symmetric tail of a fish that has two lobes extending from the end of the vertebral column … Wiktionary
homocercal — [ˌhɒmə(ʊ) sə:k(ə)l, ˌhəʊm ] adjective Zoology (of a fish s tail) symmetrical in appearance but with the vertebral column passing into the upper lobe. Origin C19: from homo + Gk kerkos tail + al … English new terms dictionary
homocercal — homo·cercal … English syllables
homocercal — ho•mo•cer•cal [[t]ˌhoʊ məˈsɜr kəl, ˌhɒm ə [/t]] adj. ich having an equally divided tail, characteristic of adult modern bony fishes • Etymology: 1830–40; homo + Gk kérk(os) tail + al I ho′mo•cer cy ˌsɜr si n … From formal English to slang
homocercal — /hoʊməˈsɜkəl/ (say hohmuh serkuhl), /hɒmə / (say homuh ) adjective 1. having the tail or the caudal fin symmetrical as to its upper and under halves. 2. denoting such a tail or caudal fin. Compare heterocercal. {homo + Greek kerkos tail + al1} …
homocercal — adjective possessing a symmetrical tail that extends beyond the end of the vertebral column (as in most bony fishes) • Ant: ↑heterocercal • Topics: ↑ichthyology … Useful english dictionary