Apis mellifica — Apis A pis, n. [L., bee.] (Zo[ o]l.) A genus of insects of the order Hymenoptera, including the common honeybee ({Apis mellifica}) and other related species. See {Honeybee}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apis mellifica — Bee Bee (b[=e]), n. [AS. be[ o]; akin to D. bij and bije, Icel. b[=y], Sw. & Dan. bi, OHG. pini, G. biene, and perh. Ir. beach, Lith. bitis, Skr. bha. [root]97.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) An insect of the order {Hymenoptera}, and family {Apid[ae]} (the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apis mellifica — Bee Bee (b[=e]), n. [AS. be[ o]; akin to D. bij and bije, Icel. b[=y], Sw. & Dan. bi, OHG. pini, G. biene, and perh. Ir. beach, Lith. bitis, Skr. bha. [root]97.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) An insect of the order {Hymenoptera}, and family {Apid[ae]} (the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apis mellifica — Apis mellifera Abeille européenne … Wikipédia en Français
APIS MELLIFICA — АПИС МЕЛЛИФИКА — Исходное животное. Apis mellifica L. Пчела медоносная.Сем. Apidae Пчелиные. Отряд Hymenoptera Перепончатокрылые. Класс Insecta Насекомые.Распространение. Почти повсюду в СССравни Для получения меда культивируется в пчеловодческих хозяйствах.Прим … Справочник по гомеопатии
Apis — A pis, n. [L., bee.] (Zo[ o]l.) A genus of insects of the order Hymenoptera, including the common honeybee ({Apis mellifica}) and other related species. See {Honeybee}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apis fasciata — Bee Bee (b[=e]), n. [AS. be[ o]; akin to D. bij and bije, Icel. b[=y], Sw. & Dan. bi, OHG. pini, G. biene, and perh. Ir. beach, Lith. bitis, Skr. bha. [root]97.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) An insect of the order {Hymenoptera}, and family {Apid[ae]} (the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apis Indica — Bee Bee (b[=e]), n. [AS. be[ o]; akin to D. bij and bije, Icel. b[=y], Sw. & Dan. bi, OHG. pini, G. biene, and perh. Ir. beach, Lith. bitis, Skr. bha. [root]97.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) An insect of the order {Hymenoptera}, and family {Apid[ae]} (the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apis ligustica — Bee Bee (b[=e]), n. [AS. be[ o]; akin to D. bij and bije, Icel. b[=y], Sw. & Dan. bi, OHG. pini, G. biene, and perh. Ir. beach, Lith. bitis, Skr. bha. [root]97.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) An insect of the order {Hymenoptera}, and family {Apid[ae]} (the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Apis (Gattung) — Honigbienen Honigbiene Systematik Ordnung: Hautflügler (Hymenoptera) Überfamilie … Deutsch Wikipedia