
Apodosis A*pod"o*sis, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to give back; ? from, back again + ? to give.] (Gram.) The consequent clause or conclusion in a conditional sentence, expressing the result, and thus distinguished from the protasis or clause which expresses a condition. Thus, in the sentence, ``Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him,'' the former clause is the protasis, and the latter the apodosis. [1913 Webster]

Note: Some grammarians extend the terms protasis and apodosis to the introductory clause and the concluding clause, even when the sentence is not conditional. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Apodosis — In linguistics, an apodosis is the main clause in a conditional sentence; that is, in a sentence of the form If X, then Y , the apodosis is Y (expressing the conclusion). The term is commonly contrasted with protasis , which denotes the… …   Wikipedia

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