immovable feast

immovable feast
Feast Feast (f[=e]st), n. [OE. feste festival, holiday, feast, OF. feste festival, F. f[^e]te, fr. L. festum, pl. festa, fr. festus joyful, festal; of uncertain origin. Cf. {Fair}, n., {Festal}, {F[^e]te}.] 1. A festival; a holiday; a solemn, or more commonly, a joyous, anniversary. [1913 Webster]

The seventh day shall be a feast to the Lord. --Ex. xiii. 6. [1913 Webster]

Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover. --Luke ii. 41. [1913 Webster]

Note: An Ecclesiastical feast is called a {immovable feast} when it always occurs on the same day of the year; otherwise it is called a {movable feast}. Easter is a notable movable feast. [1913 Webster]

2. A festive or joyous meal; a grand, ceremonious, or sumptuous entertainment, of which many guests partake; a banquet characterized by tempting variety and abundance of food. [1913 Webster]

Enough is as good as a feast. --Old Proverb. [1913 Webster]

Belshazzar the King made a great feast to a thousand of his lords. --Dan. v. 1. [1913 Webster]

3. That which is partaken of, or shared in, with delight; something highly agreeable; entertainment. [1913 Webster]

The feast of reason, and the flow of soul. --Pope. [1913 Webster]

{Feast day}, a holiday; a day set as a solemn commemorative festival.

Syn: Entertainment; regale; banquet; treat; carousal; festivity; festival.

Usage: {Feast}, {Banquet}, {Festival}, {Carousal}. A feast sets before us viands superior in quantity, variety, and abundance; a banquet is a luxurious feast; a festival is the joyful celebration by good cheer of some agreeable event. Carousal is unrestrained indulgence in frolic and drink. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • immovable feast — noun : an ecclesiastical feast that always occurs on the same day of the year …   Useful english dictionary

  • Feast — (f[=e]st), n. [OE. feste festival, holiday, feast, OF. feste festival, F. f[^e]te, fr. L. festum, pl. festa, fr. festus joyful, festal; of uncertain origin. Cf. {Fair}, n., {Festal}, {F[^e]te}.] 1. A festival; a holiday; a solemn, or more… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Feast day — Feast Feast (f[=e]st), n. [OE. feste festival, holiday, feast, OF. feste festival, F. f[^e]te, fr. L. festum, pl. festa, fr. festus joyful, festal; of uncertain origin. Cf. {Fair}, n., {Festal}, {F[^e]te}.] 1. A festival; a holiday; a solemn, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • immovable — adj. & n. (also immoveable) adj. 1 that cannot be moved. 2 steadfast, unyielding. 3 emotionless. 4 not subject to change (immovable law). 5 motionless. 6 Law (of property) consisting of land, houses, etc. n. (in pl.) Law immovable property.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • immovable — immovability, immovableness, n. immovably, adv. /i mooh veuh beuhl/, adj. 1. incapable of being moved; fixed; stationary. 2. incapable of being influenced by feeling; emotionless: an immovable heart; an immovable tyrant. 3. incapable of being… …   Universalium

  • immovable — /ɪˈmuvəbəl / (say i moohvuhbuhl) adjective 1. incapable of being moved; fixed; stationary. 2. not subject to change; unalterable. 3. incapable of being affected with feeling; emotionless: an immovable heart; an immovable face. 4. incapable of… …  

  • immovable — im•mov•a•ble or im•move•a•ble [[t]ɪˈmu və bəl[/t]] adj. 1) incapable of being moved 2) unaffected by feeling: an immovable heart[/ex] 3) implacable; unyielding 4) motionless 5) not changing from one date to another in different years: Christmas… …   From formal English to slang

  • movable feast — Feast Feast (f[=e]st), n. [OE. feste festival, holiday, feast, OF. feste festival, F. f[^e]te, fr. L. festum, pl. festa, fr. festus joyful, festal; of uncertain origin. Cf. {Fair}, n., {Festal}, {F[^e]te}.] 1. A festival; a holiday; a solemn, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Immovable Feasts —    Those Feasts of the Church which always occur on the same date such as Christmas Day, Feast of the Epiphany, etc. As some of the Feasts, such as Ascension Day, Whitsun Day, etc., are movable depending on the time Easter is kept. Tables and… …   American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia

  • movable feast — noun a day of note, frequently Christian, the date of which moves from year to year according to a set of rules. Ant: fixed feast, immovable feast …   Wiktionary

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