apotelesm — n. archaic, casting of horoscope … Dictionary of difficult words
apotelesm — noun ( s) Etymology: Late Latin apotelesma effect, effect of the stars on human destiny, from Greek, from apotelein to complete, from apo + telein to complete, from telos goal more at wheel archaic : the casting of a horoscope … Useful english dictionary
PLANETAE — I. PLANETAE Herodot. et Plinio, vide Planctae. II. PLANETAE stellae erraticae multis, Nigidio Errones dicti, apud A. Gellium, l. 14. c. 1. quinque antiquis tantum fuêre, a Veterib. Astrologis, in tres sectas, Chaldaicam, Aegyptiacam et Graecam… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale