In camera

In camera
Camera Cam"e*ra, n.; pl. E. {Cameras}, L. {Camerae}. [L. vault, arch, LL., chamber. See {Chamber}.] A chamber, or instrument having a chamber. Specifically: The {camera obscura} when used in photography. See {Camera}, and {Camera obscura}. [1913 Webster]

{Bellows camera}. See under {Bellows}.

{In camera} (Law), in a judge's chamber, that is, privately; as, a judge hears testimony which is not fit for the open court in camera.

{Panoramic camera}, or {Pantascopic camera}, a photographic camera in which the lens and sensitized plate revolve so as to expose adjacent parts of the plate successively to the light, which reaches it through a narrow vertical slit; -- used in photographing broad landscapes. --Abney. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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