in the pipeline — ON THE WAY, coming, forthcoming, upcoming, imminent, about to happen, near, close, brewing, in the offing, in the wind. → pipeline * * * phrasal : in the process of preparation, production, or completion : in the works * * * in the pipeline 1.… … Useful english dictionary
in the pipeline — ► a plan, product, etc. that is in the pipeline is being discussed or prepared and will be produced or finished in the future: »The CEO told the media there were no further acquisitions in the pipeline. Main Entry: ↑pipeline … Financial and business terms
in the pipeline — If something s in the pipeline, it hasn t arrived yet but its arrival is expected. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** If something is in the pipeline, it is currently in progress or being organized. A new talk show is in the pipeline… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
in the pipeline — If something s in the pipeline, it hasn t arrived yet but its arrival is expected … The small dictionary of idiomes
in the pipeline — mod. backed up somewhere in a process; in process; in a queue. □ There are a lot of goods still in the pipeline. That means no more orders for a while. □ Your papers are in the pipeline somewhere. You’ll just have to wait … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
in the pipeline — ► in the pipeline in the process of being developed. Main Entry: ↑pipeline … English terms dictionary
in the pipeline — word of a layoff is in the pipeline Syn: on the way, coming, forthcoming, upcoming, imminent, about to happen, near, close, brewing, in the offing, in the wind … Thesaurus of popular words
in the pipeline — being developed. According to the studio, there are ten films in the pipeline ready for release next year. Related vocabulary: in the works … New idioms dictionary
in the pipeline — being planned or prepared in order to happen or be available soon The group has a new CD in the pipeline … English dictionary
In the pipeline — If something s in the pipeline, it hasn t arrived yet but its arrival is expected … Dictionary of English idioms