Inferior tide

Inferior tide
Inferior In*fe"ri*or, a. [L., compar. of inferus that is below, underneath, the lower; akin to E. under: cf. F. inf['e]rieur. See {Under}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Lower in place, rank, value, excellence, etc.; less important or valuable; subordinate; underneath; beneath. [1913 Webster]

A thousand inferior and particular propositions. --I. Watts. [1913 Webster]

The body, or, as some love to call it, our inferior nature. --Burke. [1913 Webster]

Whether they are equal or inferior to my other poems, an author is the most improper judge. --Dryden. [1913 Webster]

2. Poor or mediocre; as, an inferior quality of goods. [1913 Webster]

3. (Astron.) (a) Nearer the sun than the earth is; as, the inferior or interior planets; an inferior conjunction of Mercury or Venus. (b) Below the horizon; as, the inferior part of a meridian. [1913 Webster]

4. (Bot.) (a) Situated below some other organ; -- said of a calyx when free from the ovary, and therefore below it, or of an ovary with an adherent and therefore inferior calyx. (b) On the side of a flower which is next the bract; anterior. [1913 Webster]

5. (Min.) Junior or subordinate in rank; as, an inferior officer. [1913 Webster]

{Inferior court} (Law), a court subject to the jurisdiction of another court known as the {superior court}, or {higher court}.

{Inferior letter}, {Inferior figure} (Print.), a small letter or figure standing at the bottom of the line (opposed to {superior letter} or figure), as in A2, Bn, 2 and n are inferior characters.

{Inferior tide}, the tide corresponding to the moon's transit of the meridian, when below the horizon. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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