
Injury In"ju*ry, n.; pl. {Injuries}. [OE. injurie, L. injuria, fr. injurius injurious, wrongful, unjust; pref. in- not + jus, juris, right, law, justice: cf. F. injure. See {Just}, a.] Any damage or hurt done to a person or thing; detriment to, or violation of, the person, character, feelings, rights, property, or interests of an individual; that which injures, or occasions wrong, loss, damage, or detriment; harm; hurt; loss; mischief; wrong; evil; as, his health was impaired by a severe injury; slander is an injury to the character. [1913 Webster]

For he that doeth injury shall receive that that he did evil. --Wyclif(Col. iii. 25). [1913 Webster]

Many times we do injury to a cause by dwelling on trifling arguments. --I. Watts. [1913 Webster]

Riot ascends above their loftiest towers, And injury and outrage. --Milton. [1913 Webster]

Note: Injury in morals and jurisprudence is the intentional doing of wrong. --Fleming.

Syn: Harm; hurt; damage; loss; impairment; detriment; wrong; evil; injustice. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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